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REVIEW: I Wish My Life Were Like A Musical

Updated: May 29

I wish my life were like a musical at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022

I WIsh My Life Were Like A Musical

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

23 August 2022


Performed brilliantly, and set in room that reminded me so much of a rehearsal studio that the bare set worked. No set so to speak of; nothing but a couple of chairs and a piano.

The cast each portray someone we've all crossed paths with, either whilst auditioning for, performing in or watching a musical. It's well written and observed. Lots of laughs and great voices. The dance number was spot on and had me in creases!

This piece works really well as a one hour show at the fringe.


[Review first posted on Instagram 30 August 2022]

I Wish My Life Were Like A Musical - review, Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022

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Lisa in the Theatre. UK Theatre blogger. Scottish and UK theatre reviews, news and interviews

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