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REVIEW: Mrs Doubtfire The Musical (UK Premier)

Updated: Mar 25

Manchester Opera House

22 September 2022


Mrs Doubtfire the musical

Mrs Doubtfire the musical has opened in the UK with a run at Manchester's gorgeous Opera House Theatre. The show was under press embargo when I saw it... I gather the whole Manchester run was classed as a 'preview'.

But there was absolutely no need to be so cautious. It's ready!

So I'll say without really saying anything, that the cast, the show, the whole production is outstanding. A West End transfer is surely on the cards. I just hope that Gabriel Vick transfers with it. His portrayal of Mrs Doubtfire, the various voices, the epic quick changes, the physicality and complexity he achieves live on stage is quite honestly remarkable. I've never seen anything like it. Extraordinary.

[Posted on Instagram 23 September 2022]

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