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REVIEW: Summer of Harold, Edinburgh Fringe 2024

Updated: Aug 8

Summer of Harold by Hilary Bell

Summer of Harold

by Hilary Bell

Directed by Damien Ryan

3 August 2024


A must see for any Harold Pinter fan

Admiration. Envy. Suffocating love. The best things come in threes!

Two actors, three plays, ninety minutes.

Summer of Harold depicts three short plays, played by two actors and each consisting of 30 minutes.


Berynn Schwerdt and Lucia Mastrantone in Summer of Harold. Photo credit Jaimi Joy

'Summer of Harold' is a trio of plays centered around objects, the past, and how objects can hold more sentimental value to some people.  


Play 1 - Summer of Harold: Starts with the stage full of boxes and an array of bits and bobs. One object is the forefront of the story and as the play progresses a moving man keeps appearing and taking boxes away. The joyful story being told is about the woman's time as the housekeeper of Harold Pinter.


Play 2 - Enfant Terrible: This play starts with an almost empty stage, just a stool and the actor. The start of the play could be mistaken for a rave! Out of the three, this play is the most bizarre and the object it's centered around is very unique. 


Play 3 - Lookout: starts on what appears to be a mountain lookout when the man whose birthday it is gets a surprise visit from a women. This play has a very Harold Pinter-esque twist.  


All three are stand-alone plays but they all have similar themes throughout. The actors do a great job of switching roles between the plays.

Although the first play is the only one to be about Harold Pinter himself, they all gave a nod to his writing style. A must see for any Harold Pinter fan. 


📍 Summer of Harold plays at Assembly Checkpoint 1 - 26 August. | jump to listings info here

☀️ Summer of Harold is presented by House of Oz and Ensemble Theatre

📸 production photo: Jaimi Joy

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⚠️ Review by guest reviewer Cameron in the Theatre. Find all of Cameron's review's HERE


Summer of Harold Cast & Creatives

Playwright Hilary Bell

Director Damien Ryan 

Cast Berynn Schwerdt

            Lucia Mastrantone

Lighting Designer Matt Cox 

Composer & Sound Designer Mary Rapp


Summer of Harold 2024 Edinburgh dates

Venue: Assembly Checkpoint

Dates: Aug 1-26 (no show Wednesdays)

Times: 13.50 (90 mins)

⌚ Running time: 90 minutes

⚠️ Age Recommendation and Content Warnings 

14+ | Contains some strong language 


Summer of Harold review, Assembly Checkpoint, Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024, House of Oz, Ensemble Theatre.

📸 Find Lisa in the Theatre on Instagram and Twitter / X 

🎟️ Disclosure: I am an Edinburgh Festival Fringe accredited media reviewer and as such I receive complimentary press tickets in exchange for my honest reviews. My reviews and star ratings are always my honest opinions.

Lisa in the theatre. Scottish theatre reviewer. UK theatre blog. Glasgow Theatre. Edinburgh Theatre. Scotland theatre.

3 ความคิดเห็น

11 ส.ค.

Summer of Harold was superb. The acting, the stories, riveted the whole time.

11 ส.ค.

That's so good to hear! Glad you enjoyed it.


11 ส.ค.

Summer of Harold was superb. The acting, the stories, riveted the whole time.

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