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REVIEW: Summer Pantomime: Goldilocks goes to Greece (A Play, A Pie and A Pint, Glasgow)

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

Oran Mor, Glasgow

23 July 2022


Summer Pantomime: Goldilocks goes to Greece by Andy McGregor (A Play, A Pie and A Pint) [Panto, Theatre, Glasgow]

"Goldie and her mum Pat are heading oot on holiday, and they’re aff to the glorious sunshine of Greece!

But on their way to the airport they are spotted by the ferociously jealous Daddy Bear, who still hasn’t forgiven Oor Goldie for her outrageous porridge-based misdemeanours."

This was brilliant! My 3rd Andy McGregor show of the year and I stand by my opinion that he's a creative genius.

I was firmly in the Ewan Somers fan club before today, but now even moreso. What a star!

All the cast were incredible.

Fraser Boyle is the perfect panto dame. And the wee angry bear (Rebekah Lumsden) was hilarious.

This is the best 'play, pie, pint' I've seen at Oran Mor so far. We're so lucky to have this talent in Scotland.

And Summer Panto should definitely be a thing! Why keep the joy just for Christmas?

[Review first published on Instagram 24 July 2022]


😎 A review of Summer Pantomime: Goldilocks goes to Greece, by Andy McGregor, A Play, A Pie and A Pint, at Oran Mor, Theatre, Glasgow.

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Lisa in the theatre, Glasgow theatre, reviews, blog, Scottish theatre

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