REVIEW: This Is Where We Get Off
Updated: Sep 16, 2024

This is Where We Get Off
By Hi Productions
Websters Theatre
11 February 2023
(I saw this play before I launched my website. The below is copied from Instagram.)
Last night I was invited to Webster's Theatre for 'This Is Where We Get Off', a play by Ingram Noble and Heather Spiden of HI Productions. Thank you so much for having me!
'This is where we get off' gives us a snapshot into the lives of the Moffat family of Bricklethwaite, their daily battles with each other and with their neighbours.
The characters in this play are wonderful. I fell in love with the mum Yvonne, and Tanya MacDonald who plays her. Tanya's performance is worthy of any stage; she is believable and sympathetic from beginning to end. The play cleverly swings from hilarious to gut-wrenchingly sad and back again, and introduces some themes I really didn't expect. Yvonne is central to all of it and Tanya's performance is outstanding whether during the humorous scenes about adult toys, or during the difficult, emotional scenes with her mother. I am bowled-over by her. An incredible performance.

All the actors are excellent. Not least one of the writers Ingram Noble who stepped in to play teenage son Lip. What a talent! He wrote and directed this play along with partner Heather, but he really can act too. Lip is often incredulous and horrified by his parents actions, and Ingram's deadpan delivery and facial expressions really got the audience on his side. We've all been there, or thereabouts!
The dad (John Stuart) and bonkers neighbour Rhonda (Leah Moorhouse) are fascinating characters brought to life by talented actors. I'd hate to live next door to Rhonda but she too is a multi-layered character we eventually grow fond of.
I was really invested and felt a great deal of warmth towards these characters and this cast. I absolutely could see this as a weekly drama serial or sitcom on TV. The writing is better than on many TV programmes broadcast today. The dialogue is witty, gritty and real. It's so sharp and raw it's hard to believe it's not improvised in parts.
This play is strongly character-led and I'd definitely tune in to learn more about the Moffats and their dramas! There is so much potential here, I hope to see more of them on screen or stage soon.
[Review first posted on Instagram 12 February 2023]

REVIEW: This is where we get off, by Ingram Noble and Heather Spiden at Webster's Theatre, Glasgow, February 2023.
🎟️ Disclosure: I was invited to review this show and received a complimentary ticket in exchange. Whether I am invited or not has absolutely no impact on my reviews or star ratings.
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