REVIEW: Tink, Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2023
Updated: Oct 22, 2024

Kat Kleve and Lizzy Connolly
Underbelly Bristo Square (Clover)
August 2023
Well that was beautiful!
When we meet Tink, she is a 5 year old, bright, bubbly fairy. Loud and confident, desperate to fly high. But over the years, her experiences at school, the words and actions of other kids, and the language of her elders start to dull her sparkle. She starts to shrink.
Seem familiar? I can certainly relate! I had a lump in my throat for the whole show.
"Performed by Kat Kleve, directed by Lizzy Connolly, and co-created by the pair, Tink is a nostalgic, uplifting musical monologue that tackles the modern experience of being female and the societal pressures that come with navigating from child to tween to teen to adult."
Kat Kleve is gorgeous as Tink. From energic fearless youngster, to downtrodden, damaged teen, Kat owns the stage and commands the audience attention. She never put a foot wrong; never once hesitated over a line - and considering the number of fairy puns she had to contend with, that is remarkable! As well as growing up in front of our eyes, and learning to deal with elves, social media and strained friendships, Kat also plays guitar and sings! She's the perfect fairy protagonist.

The songs are sweet and the script is full of humour: The fairy puns come quick and often, but every one of them is clever and well judged. Never once did the audience groan! The staging is simple but beautiful, with a few bare and coloured lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling that are used to great effect throughout the show. Tink's costumes too are stunning: Green, with a slight nod to Tinkerbell, but modern and fashionable at the same time.
Watching the story unfold in front of me I couldn't help but relate, and also feel a tinge of sadness. How many of us shrink ourselves to protect ourselves? Hide to survive. That could accurately describe my teenage years and unfortunately, it's still something I struggle with today. This show should be required viewing for every girl of secondary school age. In fact, to everyone. I'm very much older than Tink and yet I still stepped out of that performance empowered and determined to hold my head higher, to shine brighter.

A beautiful show, performed exquisitely.
Be more Tink. Never dull your sparkle.
When and Where?
2nd – 20th August
60 minutes
0131 510 0395
📸 Photo credit: Michael Wharley
Tink the musical review, Kat Kleve, Lizzy Connolly, Musical Theatre, Underbelly, Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2023
🎟️ Disclosure: I am an Edinburgh Festival Fringe accredited media reviewer and as such I receive complimentary press tickets in exchange for my honest reviews. My reviews and star ratings are always my honest opinions.
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